commit 591180a: [Rework] Kill emails plugin

Vsevolod Stakhov vsevolod at
Mon Sep 2 15:56:04 UTC 2019

Author: Vsevolod Stakhov
Date: 2019-09-02 16:16:51 +0100

[Rework] Kill emails plugin

 src/plugins/lua/emails.lua | 283 +--------------------------------------------
 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 280 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/plugins/lua/emails.lua b/src/plugins/lua/emails.lua
index 850cc51c0..5f25e69e5 100644
--- a/src/plugins/lua/emails.lua
+++ b/src/plugins/lua/emails.lua
@@ -1,281 +1,4 @@
-Copyright (c) 2011-2017, Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod at>
+-- This module is deprecated and must not be used.
+-- This file serves as a tombstone to prevent old emails to be loaded
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
--- Emails is module for different checks for emails inside messages
-if confighelp then
-  return
--- Rules format:
--- symbol = sym, map = file:///path/to/file, domain_only = yes
--- symbol = sym2, dnsbl =, domain_only = no
-local rules = {}
-local logger = require "rspamd_logger"
-local hash = require "rspamd_cryptobox_hash"
-local rspamd_lua_utils = require "lua_util"
-local util = require "rspamd_util"
-local lua_maps = require "lua_maps"
-local lua_maps_expressions = require "lua_maps_expressions"
-local N = "emails"
--- TODO: move this into common part
--- Check rule for a single email
-local function check_email_rule(task, rule, addr)
-  if rule['whitelist'] then
-    if rule['whitelist']:get_key(addr.addr)
-        or rule['whitelist']:get_key(addr.domain) then
-      logger.debugm(N, task, "whitelisted address: %s", addr.addr)
-      return
-    end
-  elseif rule.whitelist_expr then
-    if rule['whitelist']:process(task) then
-      logger.debugm(N, task, "whitelisted emails processing: %s", addr.addr)
-      return
-    end
-  end
-  if rule['dnsbl'] then
-      local email
-      local to_resolve
-      if rule['domain_only'] then
-        email = addr.domain
-      else
-        email = string.format('%s%s%s', addr.user, rule.delimiter, addr.domain)
-      end
-      email = email:lower()
-      local function emails_dns_cb(_, _, results, err)
-        if err and (err ~= 'requested record is not found'
-            and err ~= 'no records with this name') then
-          logger.errx(task, 'Error querying DNS(%s.%s): %s', to_resolve,
-              rule['dnsbl'], err)
-        elseif results then
-          local expected_found = false
-          local symbol = rule['symbol']
-          local function check_ip(ip)
-            for _,result in ipairs(results) do
-              local ipstr = result:to_string()
-              if ipstr == ip then
-                return true
-              end
-            end
-            return false
-          end
-          if rule['expect_ip'] then
-            if check_ip(rule['expect_ip']) then
-              expected_found = true
-            end
-          else
-            expected_found = true -- Accept any result
-          end
-          if rule['returncodes'] then
-            for k,codes in pairs(rule['returncodes']) do
-              if type(codes) == 'table' then
-                for _,code in ipairs(codes) do
-                  if check_ip(code) then
-                    expected_found = true
-                    symbol = k
-                    break
-                  end
-                end
-              else
-                if check_ip(codes) then
-                  expected_found = true
-                  symbol = k
-                  break
-                end
-              end
-            end
-          end
-          if expected_found then
-            if rule['hash'] then
-              task:insert_result(symbol, 1.0, {email, to_resolve})
-            else
-              task:insert_result(symbol, 1.0, email)
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-      logger.debugm(N, task, "check %s on %s", email, rule['dnsbl'])
-      if rule['hash'] then
-        local hkey = hash.create_specific(rule['hash'], email)
-        if rule['encoding'] == 'base32' then
-          to_resolve = hkey:base32()
-        else
-          to_resolve = hkey:hex()
-        end
-        if rule['hashlen'] and type(rule['hashlen']) == 'number' then
-          if #to_resolve > rule['hashlen'] then
-            to_resolve = string.sub(to_resolve, 1, rule['hashlen'])
-          end
-        end
-      else
-        to_resolve = email
-      end
-      local dns_arg = string.format('%s.%s', to_resolve, rule['dnsbl'])
-      logger.debugm(N, task, "query %s", dns_arg)
-      task:get_resolver():resolve_a({
-        task=task,
-        name = dns_arg,
-        callback = emails_dns_cb})
-    elseif rule['map'] then
-      if rule['domain_only'] then
-        local key = addr.domain
-        if rule['map']:get_key(key) then
-          task:insert_result(rule['symbol'], 1.0, key)
-          logger.debugm(N, task, 'email: \'%s\' is found in list: %s',
-              key, rule['symbol'])
-        end
-      else
-        local key = string.format('%s%s%s', addr.user, rule.delimiter, addr.domain)
-        if rule['map']:get_key(key) then
-          task:insert_result(rule['symbol'], 1.0, key)
-          logger.debugm(N, task, 'email: \'%s\' is found in list: %s',
-              key, rule['symbol'])
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
--- Check email
-local function gen_check_emails(rule)
-  return function(task)
-    local emails = task:get_emails()
-    local checked = {}
-    if emails and not rule.skip_body then
-      for _,addr in ipairs(emails) do
-        local user_part = addr:get_user()
-        local domain = addr:get_host()
-        if (user_part and #user_part > 0) and (domain and #domain > 0) then
-          local to_check = string.format('%s%s%s', addr:get_user(),
-              rule.delimiter, addr:get_host())
-          local naddr = {
-            user = (addr:get_user() or ''):lower(),
-            domain = (addr:get_host() or ''):lower(),
-            addr = to_check:lower()
-          }
-          rspamd_lua_utils.remove_email_aliases(naddr)
-          if not checked[naddr.addr] then
-            check_email_rule(task, rule, naddr)
-            checked[naddr.addr] = true
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    if rule.check_replyto then
-      local function get_raw_header(name)
-        return ((task:get_header_full(name) or {})[1] or {})['value']
-      end
-      local replyto = get_raw_header('Reply-To')
-      if replyto then
-        local rt = util.parse_mail_address(replyto, task:get_mempool())
-        if rt and rt[1] and (rt[1].addr and #rt[1].addr > 0) then
-          rspamd_lua_utils.remove_email_aliases(rt[1])
-          rt[1].addr = rt[1].addr:lower()
-          if not checked[rt[1].addr] then
-            check_email_rule(task, rule, rt[1])
-            checked[rt[1].addr] = true
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
-local opts = rspamd_config:get_module_opt('emails', 'rules')
-if opts and type(opts) == 'table' then
-  for k,v in pairs(opts) do
-    local rule = v
-    if not rule['symbol'] then
-      rule['symbol'] = k
-    end
-    if not rule['delimiter'] then
-      rule['delimiter'] = "@"
-    end
-    if rule['whitelist'] then
-      if type(rule['whitelist']) == 'string' then
-        rule['whitelist'] = lua_maps.map_add_from_ucl(rule.whitelist,
-            'set', 'Emails rule %s whitelist', rule['symbol'])
-      else
-        rule.whitelist_expr = lua_maps_expressions.create(rspamd_config,
-            rule.whitelist, N)
-        rule.whitelist = nil
-      end
-    end
-    if rule['map'] then
-      rule['name'] = rule['map']
- = lua_maps.map_add_from_ucl(,
-          'regexp', 'Emails rule %s whitelist', rule['symbol'])
-    end
-    if not rule['symbol'] or (not rule['map'] and not rule['dnsbl']) then
-      logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'incomplete rule: %s', rule)
-    else
-      table.insert(rules, rule)
-      logger.infox(rspamd_config, 'add emails rule %s',
-        rule['dnsbl'] or rule['name'] or '???')
-    end
-  end
-if #rules > 0 then
-  for _,rule in ipairs(rules) do
-    local cb = gen_check_emails(rule)
-    local id = rspamd_config:register_symbol({
-      name = rule['symbol'],
-      callback = cb,
-    })
-    if rule.returncodes then
-      for k,_ in pairs(rule.returncodes) do
-        if k ~= rule['symbol'] then
-          rspamd_config:register_symbol({
-            name = k,
-            parent = id,
-            type = 'virtual'
-          })
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  rspamd_lua_utils.disable_module(N, "conf")
\ No newline at end of file

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