commit 0e9df5d: [Minor] Lua_cryptobox: Add pbkdf() method
Vsevolod Stakhov
vsevolod at
Thu Mar 28 14:56:07 UTC 2019
Author: Vsevolod Stakhov
Date: 2019-03-28 14:45:45 +0000
[Minor] Lua_cryptobox: Add pbkdf() method
src/lua/lua_cryptobox.c | 84 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
1 file changed, 84 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/lua/lua_cryptobox.c b/src/lua/lua_cryptobox.c
index 2a5d9e7ee..772c1f8f5 100644
--- a/src/lua/lua_cryptobox.c
+++ b/src/lua/lua_cryptobox.c
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (cryptobox, decrypt_memory);
LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (cryptobox, decrypt_file);
LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (cryptobox, encrypt_cookie);
LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (cryptobox, decrypt_cookie);
+LUA_FUNCTION_DEF (cryptobox, pbkdf);
static const struct luaL_reg cryptoboxlib_f[] = {
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (cryptobox, verify_memory),
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ static const struct luaL_reg cryptoboxlib_f[] = {
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (cryptobox, decrypt_file),
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (cryptobox, encrypt_cookie),
LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (cryptobox, decrypt_cookie),
+ LUA_INTERFACE_DEF (cryptobox, pbkdf),
@@ -2020,6 +2022,88 @@ lua_cryptobox_decrypt_cookie (lua_State *L)
return 2;
+ * @function rspamd_cryptobox.pbkdf([password, [kdf_alg]])
+ * Function that encrypts password using PBKDF function.
+ * This function either reads password from STDIN or accepts prepared password as
+ * an argument
+ * @param {string} password optional password string
+ * @param {string} kdf_alg algorithm to use (catena or pbkdf2)
+ * @return {string} encrypted password or nil if error occurs
+ */
+static gint
+lua_cryptobox_pbkdf (lua_State *L)
+ const struct rspamd_controller_pbkdf *pbkdf = NULL;
+ const gchar *pbkdf_str = "catena";
+ gchar *password;
+ gsize pwlen;
+ if (lua_type (L, 2) == LUA_TSTRING) {
+ pbkdf_str = lua_tostring (L, 2);
+ }
+ for (guint i = 0; i < RSPAMD_PBKDF_ID_MAX - 1; i ++) {
+ pbkdf = &pbkdf_list[i];
+ if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (pbkdf_str, pbkdf->alias) == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ if (g_ascii_strcasecmp (pbkdf_str, pbkdf->name) == 0) {
+ break;
+ }
+ pbkdf = NULL;
+ }
+ if (pbkdf == NULL) {
+ return luaL_error (L, "invalid pbkdf algorithm: %s", pbkdf_str);
+ }
+ if (lua_type (L, 1) == LUA_TSTRING) {
+ password = g_strdup (lua_tolstring (L, 1, &pwlen));
+ }
+ else {
+ pwlen = 8192;
+ password = g_malloc0 (pwlen);
+ pwlen = rspamd_read_passphrase (password, pwlen, 0, NULL);
+ }
+ if (pwlen == 0) {
+ lua_pushnil (L);
+ return 1;
+ }
+ guchar *salt, *key;
+ gchar *encoded_salt, *encoded_key;
+ GString *result;
+ salt = g_alloca (pbkdf->salt_len);
+ key = g_alloca (pbkdf->key_len);
+ ottery_rand_bytes (salt, pbkdf->salt_len);
+ /* Derive key */
+ rspamd_cryptobox_pbkdf (password, pwlen,
+ salt, pbkdf->salt_len, key, pbkdf->key_len, pbkdf->complexity,
+ pbkdf->type);
+ encoded_salt = rspamd_encode_base32 (salt, pbkdf->salt_len);
+ encoded_key = rspamd_encode_base32 (key, pbkdf->key_len);
+ result = g_string_new ("");
+ rspamd_printf_gstring (result, "$%d$%s$%s", pbkdf->id, encoded_salt,
+ encoded_key);
+ g_free (encoded_salt);
+ g_free (encoded_key);
+ rspamd_explicit_memzero (password, pwlen);
+ g_free (password);
+ lua_pushlstring (L, result->str, result->len);
+ g_string_free (result, TRUE);
+ return 1;
static gint
lua_load_pubkey (lua_State * L)
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