commit e971c53: [Rework] Remove deprecated plugins

Vsevolod Stakhov vsevolod at
Wed Aug 21 17:00:06 UTC 2019

Author: Vsevolod Stakhov
Date: 2019-08-21 15:40:49 +0100

[Rework] Remove deprecated plugins

 src/plugins/lua/url_reputation.lua | 384 -------------------------------------
 src/plugins/lua/url_tags.lua       | 293 ----------------------------
 2 files changed, 677 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/plugins/lua/url_reputation.lua b/src/plugins/lua/url_reputation.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e7d35697d..000000000
--- a/src/plugins/lua/url_reputation.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod at>
-Copyright (c) 2017, Andrew Lewis <nerf at>
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-if confighelp then
-  return
--- A plugin that restores/persists URL tags & calculates reputation
-local E = {}
-local N = 'url_reputation'
-local whitelist, redis_params, redis_incr_script_id
-local settings = {
-  expire = 86400, -- 1 day
-  key_prefix = 'Ur.',
-  symbols = {
-    white = 'URL_REPUTATION_WHITE',
-    black = 'URL_REPUTATION_BLACK',
-    grey = 'URL_REPUTATION_GREY',
-    neutral = 'URL_REPUTATION_NEUTRAL',
-  },
-  foreign_symbols = {
-    dmarc = 'DMARC_POLICY_ALLOW',
-    dkim = 'R_DKIM_ALLOW',
-    spf = 'R_SPF_ALLOW',
-  },
-  ignore_surbl = {
-    URIBL_BLOCKED = true,
-    DBL_PROHIBIT = true,
-    SURBL_BLOCKED = true,
-  },
-  -- how many messages to score reputation
-  threshold = 5,
-  -- set reputation for only so many TLDs
-  update_limit = 1,
-  -- query dynamic reputation for up to so many TLDs
-  query_limit = 100,
-  -- try find most relevant URL
-  relevance = true,
-local scale = {
-  'white', -- 1
-  'neutral', -- 2
-  'grey', -- 3
-  'black', -- 4
-local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger"
-local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util"
-local lua_util = require "lua_util"
-local rspamd_redis = require "lua_redis"
-local redis_incr_script = [[
-for _, k in ipairs(KEYS) do
-'INCR', k)
--- Function to load the script
-local function load_scripts(cfg, ev_base)
-  redis_incr_script_id = rspamd_redis.add_redis_script(redis_incr_script, redis_params)
--- Calculates URL reputation
-local function url_reputation_check(task)
-  local tags = {}
-  local tlds = {}
-  local tld_count = 0
-  local reputation = 2
-  local which
-  local confidence
-  -- Insert symbol
-  local function insert_results()
-    if which and confidence then
-      task:insert_result(settings.symbols[scale[reputation]], confidence, which)
-    end
-  end
-  -- Calculate reputation
-  local function dynamic_reputation()
-    local subset = {}
-    local keys = {}
-    -- Spit out log if INCR fails
-    local function redis_incr_cb(err)
-      if err then
-        rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'couldnt increment reputation: %s', err)
-        if string.match(err, 'NOSCRIPT') then
-          load_scripts(rspamd_config, task:get_ev_base())
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    local function rep_get_cb(err, data)
-      -- Abort if we couldn't query redis for reputation info
-      if err then
-        rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'couldnt get dynamic reputation: %s', err)
-        return
-      end
-      -- Try find worst reputation domain and set reputation accordingly
-      local i, x, highest = 1, 1, 0
-      while(data[i]) do
-        if type(data[i]) == 'string' then
-          local scores = {}
- = tonumber(data[i])
-          if >= settings.threshold then
-            local highest_k
-            scores.white = tonumber(data[i+1])
-   = tonumber(data[i+2])
-            scores.grey = tonumber(data[i+3])
-            scores.neutral = tonumber(data[i+4])
-            for k, v in pairs(scores) do
-              if (v > highest) then
-                highest_k = k
-                highest = v
-              end
-            end
-            if highest_k == 'black' then
-              reputation = 4
-              which = subset[x]
-              confidence = /
-            elseif highest_k == 'grey' and reputation ~= 4 then
-              reputation = 3
-              which = subset[x]
-              confidence = scores.grey /
-            elseif highest_k == 'white' and reputation == 2 then
-              reputation = 1
-              which = subset[x]
-              confidence = scores.white /
-            elseif highest_k == 'neutral' and reputation <= 2 then
-              reputation = 2
-              which = subset[x]
-              confidence = scores.neutral /
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        i = i + 5
-        x = x + 1
-      end
-      local rk
-      if which then
-        -- Update reputation for guilty domain only
-        rk = {
-          settings.key_prefix .. which .. '_total',
-          settings.key_prefix .. which .. '_' .. scale[reputation],
-        }
-      else
-        -- No reputation found, pick some URLs
-        local most_relevant
-        if tld_count == 1 then
-          most_relevant = next(tlds)
-        end
-        if settings.relevance then
-          if not most_relevant then
-            local dmarc = ((task:get_symbol(settings.foreign_symbols['dmarc']) or E)[1] or E).options
-            local dkim = ((task:get_symbol(settings.foreign_symbols['dkim']) or E)[1] or E).options
-            local spf = task:get_symbol(settings.foreign_symbols['spf'])
-            local hostname = task:get_hostname()
-            if hostname then
-              hostname = rspamd_util.get_tld(hostname)
-            end
-            if spf then
-              local from = task:get_from(1)
-              if ((from or E)[1] or E).domain then
-                spf = rspamd_util.get_tld(from[1]['domain'])
-              else
-                local helo = task:get_helo()
-                if helo then
-                  spf = rspamd_util.get_tld(helo)
-                end
-              end
-            end
-            for _, t in ipairs(tlds) do
-              if t == dmarc then
-                most_relevant = t
-                break
-              elseif t == dkim then
-                most_relevant = t
-                break
-              elseif t == spf then
-                most_relevant = t
-                break
-              elseif t == hostname then
-                most_relevant = t
-                break
-              end
-            end
-            if not most_relevant and reputation >= 3 then
-              -- no authenticated domain, count surbl tags
-              local max_surbl_guilt
-              for dom, tag in pairs(tags) do
-                local guilt = 0
-                local stags = tag['surbl']
-                if stags then
-                  for k in pairs(stags) do
-                    if not settings.ignore_surbl[k] then
-                      guilt = guilt + 1
-                    end
-                  end
-                  if guilt > 1 then
-                    if not most_relevant then
-                      most_relevant = dom
-                      max_surbl_guilt = guilt
-                    elseif guilt > max_surbl_guilt then
-                      most_relevant = dom
-                      max_surbl_guilt = guilt
-                    end
-                  end
-                end
-              end
-            end
-          end
-        end
-        rk = {}
-        local added = 0
-        if most_relevant then
-          tlds = {most_relevant}
-          which = most_relevant
-        end
-        for t in pairs(tlds) do
-          if settings.update_limit and added > settings.update_limit then
-            rspamd_logger.warnx(task, 'Not updating reputation on all TLDs')
-            break
-          end
-          table.insert(rk, settings.key_prefix .. t .. '_total')
-          table.insert(rk, settings.key_prefix .. t .. '_' .. scale[reputation])
-          added = added + 1
-        end
-      end
-      if rk[2] then
-        local ret = rspamd_redis.exec_redis_script(redis_incr_script_id,
-          {task = task, is_write = true},
-          redis_incr_cb,
-          rk)
-        if not ret then
-          rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'couldnt schedule increment')
-        end
-      end
-      insert_results()
-    end
-    local action = task:get_metric_action('default')
-    if action == 'reject' then
-      reputation = 4
-    elseif action == 'add header' then
-      reputation = 3
-    elseif action == 'no action' or action == 'greylist' then
-      local score = task:get_metric_score('default')[1]
-      if score < 0 then
-        reputation = 1
-      end
-    end
-    local added = 0
-    for k in pairs(tlds) do
-      if settings.query_limit and added >= settings.query_limit then
-        rspamd_logger.warnx(task, 'not querying reputation for all TLDs')
-        break
-      end
-      if (not whitelist) or (not whitelist:get_key(k)) then
-        added = added + 1
-        table.insert(subset, k)
-        table.insert(keys, settings.key_prefix .. k .. '_total')
-        table.insert(keys, settings.key_prefix .. k .. '_white')
-        table.insert(keys, settings.key_prefix .. k .. '_black')
-        table.insert(keys, settings.key_prefix .. k .. '_grey')
-        table.insert(keys, settings.key_prefix .. k .. '_neutral')
-      end
-    end
-    local key = keys[1]
-    if key then
-      rspamd_redis_make_request(task,
-        redis_params,
-        key,
-        false, -- is write
-        rep_get_cb, --callback
-        'MGET', -- command
-        keys
-      )
-    end
-  end
-  -- Figure out what tags are present for each URL
-  for _, url in ipairs(task:get_urls(false)) do
-    local tld = url:get_tld()
-    if not tlds[tld] then
-      tlds[tld] = true
-      tld_count = tld_count + 1
-    end
-    local utags = url:get_tags()
-    if next(utags) then
-      local dom = url:get_tld()
-      if not tags[dom] then
-        tags[dom] = {}
-      end
-      for ut, utv in pairs(utags) do
-        if tags[dom][ut] then
-          for _, e in ipairs(utv) do
-            table.insert(tags[dom][ut], e)
-          end
-        else
-          tags[dom][ut] = utv
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  if next(tlds) then
-    dynamic_reputation()
-  end
-if not lua_util.check_experimental(N) then
-  return
-local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt(N)
-if not opts then return end
-redis_params = rspamd_parse_redis_server(N)
-if not redis_params then
-  rspamd_logger.warnx(rspamd_config, 'no servers are specified, disabling module')
-  lua_util.disable_module(N, "redis")
-  return
-for k, v in pairs(opts) do
-  if k == 'ignore_surbl' then
-    if type(v) == 'table' then
-      if next(v) ~= 1 then
-        settings[k] = v
-      else
-        settings[k] = {}
-        for _, n in ipairs(v) do
-          settings[k][n] = true
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  else
-    settings[k] = v
-  end
-if settings.threshold < 1 then
-  rspamd_logger.errx(rspamd_config, 'threshold should be >= 1, disabling module')
-  lua_util.disable_module(N, "config")
-  return
-whitelist = rspamd_map_add(N, 'whitelist', 'map', 'URL reputation whitelist')
-rspamd_config:add_on_load(function(cfg, ev_base, worker)
-  load_scripts(cfg, ev_base)
-local id = rspamd_config:register_symbol({
-  type = 'postfilter',
-  callback = url_reputation_check,
-  priority = 10
-for _, v in pairs(settings.symbols) do
-  rspamd_config:register_symbol({
-    name = v,
-    parent = id,
-    type = 'virtual'
-  })
diff --git a/src/plugins/lua/url_tags.lua b/src/plugins/lua/url_tags.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index c0f7ffa74..000000000
--- a/src/plugins/lua/url_tags.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,293 +0,0 @@
-Copyright (c) 2016-2017, Vsevolod Stakhov <vsevolod at>
-Copyright (c) 2017, Andrew Lewis <nerf at>
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
-if confighelp then
-  return
--- A plugin that restores/persists URL tags
-local N = 'url_tags'
-local redis_params, redis_set_script_id
-local settings = {
-  -- lifetime for tags
-  expire = 3600, -- 1 hour
-  -- prefix for redis keys
-  key_prefix = 'Ut.',
-  -- tags in this list are not persisted
-  ignore_tags = {},
-local rspamd_logger = require "rspamd_logger"
-local rspamd_util = require "rspamd_util"
-local lua_util = require "lua_util"
-local lua_redis = require "lua_redis"
-local ucl = require "ucl"
--- Tags are stored in format: [timestamp]|[tag1],[timestamp]|[tag2]
-local redis_set_script_head = 'local expiry = '
-local redis_set_script_tail = [[
-local now = math.floor(table.remove(ARGV))
-local res ='MGET', unpack(KEYS))
-local data = {}
-for i = 1, #res do
-  local which = KEYS[i]
-  if type(res[i]) == 'string' then
-    data[which] = {}
-    for goo in string.gmatch(res[i], '[^/]+') do
-      local metatags = {}
-      local time, tag, meta = string.match(goo, '(%d+)|([^|]+)|(.+)')
-      if (time + expiry) > now then
-        for m in string.gmatch(meta, '[^,]+') do
-           metatags[m] = true
-        end
-        data[which][tag] = {time, metatags}
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  for goo in string.gmatch(ARGV[i], '[^/]+') do
-    local metatags = {}
-    if not data[which] then
-      data[which] = {}
-    end
-    local tag, meta = string.match(goo, '([^|]+)|(.+)')
-    for m in string.gmatch(meta, '[^,]+') do
-       metatags[m] = true
-    end
-    data[which][tag] = {now, metatags}
-  end
-  local tmp2 = {}
-  for k, v in pairs(data[which]) do
-    local meta_list = {}
-    for kk in pairs(v[2]) do
-      table.insert(meta_list, kk)
-    end
-    table.insert(tmp2, v[1] .. '|' .. k .. '|' .. table.concat(meta_list, ','))
-  end
-'SETEX', which, expiry, table.concat(tmp2, '/'))
--- Function to load the script
-local function load_scripts(cfg, ev_base)
-  local set_script =
-    redis_set_script_head ..
-    settings.expire ..
-    '\n' ..
-    redis_set_script_tail
-  redis_set_script_id = lua_redis.add_redis_script(set_script, redis_params)
--- Saves tags to redis
-local function tags_save(task)
-  local tags = {}
-  -- Figure out what tags are present for each TLD
-  for _, url in ipairs(task:get_urls(false)) do
-    local utags = url:get_tags()
-    if next(utags) then
-      local tld = url:get_tld()
-      if not tags[tld] then
-        tags[tld] = {}
-      end
-      for ut, utv in pairs(utags) do
-        if not settings.ignore_tags[ut] then
-          if not tags[tld][ut] then
-            tags[tld][ut] = {}
-          end
-          for _, e in ipairs(utv) do
-            tags[tld][ut][e] = true
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  if not next(tags) then
-    return
-  end
-  -- Don't populate old tags
-  local old_tags = task:get_mempool():get_variable('urltags')
-  if old_tags then
-    local parser = ucl.parser()
-    local res, err = parser:parse_string(old_tags)
-    if not res then
-      rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'Parser error: %s', err)
-      return
-    end
-    local obj = parser:get_object()
-    for dom, domtags in pairs(obj) do
-      if tags[dom] then
-        for tag, mtags in pairs(domtags) do
-          for mtag in pairs(mtags) do
-            tags[dom][tag][mtag] = nil
-          end
-          if not next(tags[dom][tag]) then
-            tags[dom][tag] = nil
-          end
-        end
-        if not next(tags[dom]) then
-          tags[dom] = nil
-        end
-      end
-    end
-  end
-  -- Abort if no tags remaining
-  if not next(tags) then
-    return
-  end
-  -- Prepare arguments to send to Redis
-  local redis_keys = {}
-  local redis_args = {}
-  local tmp3 = {}
-  for dom, domtags in pairs(tags) do
-    local tmp = {}
-    for tag, mtags in pairs(domtags) do
-      local tmp2 = {}
-      for k in pairs(mtags) do
-        table.insert(tmp2, tostring(rspamd_util.encode_base32(k)))
-      end
-      tmp[tag] = tmp2
-    end
-    tmp3[dom] = tmp
-  end
-  for dom, domtags in pairs(tmp3) do
-    table.insert(redis_keys, settings.key_prefix .. dom)
-    local tmp4 = {}
-    for tag, mtags in pairs(domtags) do
-      table.insert(tmp4, tag .. '|' .. table.concat(mtags, ','))
-    end
-    table.insert(redis_args, table.concat(tmp4, '/'))
-  end
-  table.insert(redis_args, rspamd_util.get_time())
-  -- Send query to redis
-  lua_redis.exec_redis_script(
-    redis_set_script_id,
-    {task = task, is_write = true},
-    function() end, redis_keys, redis_args)
-local function tags_restore(task)
-  local urls
-  local tlds = {}
-  local tld_reverse = {}
-  local mpool = task:get_mempool()
-  local function redis_get_cb(err, data)
-    if err then
-      rspamd_logger.errx(task, 'Redis error: %s', err)
-      return
-    end
-    local d_len = #data
-    if d_len == 0 then return end
-    local now = rspamd_util.get_time()
-    local tracking = {}
-    for i = 1, d_len do
-      if type(data[i]) == 'string' then
-        local tld = tld_reverse[i]
-        for goo in string.gmatch(data[i], '[^/]+') do
-          for time, tag, meta in string.gmatch(goo, '(%d+)|([^|]+)|(.+)') do
-            if not settings.ignore_tags[tag] then
-              if (time + settings.expire) > now then
-                local metatags = {}
-                for m in string.gmatch(meta, '[^,]+') do
-                  table.insert(metatags, m)
-                end
-                for _, idx in ipairs(tlds[tld]) do
-                  if not tracking[tld] then
-                    tracking[tld] = {}
-                  end
-                  if not tracking[tld][tag] then
-                    tracking[tld][tag] = {}
-                  end
-                  for _, ttag in ipairs(metatags) do
-                    urls[idx]:add_tag(tag, tostring(rspamd_util.decode_base32(ttag)), mpool)
-                    tracking[tld][tag][ttag] = true
-                  end
-                end
-              end
-            end
-          end
-        end
-      end
-    end
-    mpool:set_variable('urltags', ucl.to_format(tracking, 'ucl'))
-  end
-  urls = task:get_urls(false)
-  for idx = 1, #urls do
-    local tld = urls[idx]:get_tld()
-    tld_reverse[idx] = tld
-    if not tlds[tld] then
-      tlds[tld] = {}
-    end
-    table.insert(tlds[tld], idx)
-  end
-  local first = next(tlds)
-  if first then
-    local keys = {}
-    for x in pairs(tlds) do
-      table.insert(keys, settings.key_prefix .. x)
-    end
-    rspamd_redis_make_request(task,
-      redis_params,
-      first,
-      false, -- is write
-      redis_get_cb, --callback
-      'MGET', -- command
-      keys
-    )
-  end
-if not lua_util.check_experimental(N) then
-  return
-local opts = rspamd_config:get_all_opt(N)
-if not opts then return end
-redis_params = rspamd_parse_redis_server(N)
-if not redis_params then
-  lua_util.disable_module(N, "redis")
-  rspamd_logger.warnx(rspamd_config, 'no servers are specified, disabling module')
-  return
-for k, v in pairs(opts) do
-  settings[k] = v
-settings.ignore_tags = lua_util.list_to_hash(settings.ignore_tags)
-rspamd_config:add_on_load(function(cfg, ev_base, worker)
-  load_scripts(cfg, ev_base)
-  name = 'URL_TAGS_SAVE',
-  type = 'postfilter',
-  callback = tags_save,
-  priority = 10
-  name = 'URL_TAGS_RESTORE',
-  type = 'prefilter',
-  callback = tags_restore,
-  priority = 5

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